Social Media content creation is one of the most opted ways of promoting your brand, product, service or simply yourself as a brand – “personal brand” as we know it. There are enough reasons and articles on why you SHOULD build a personal brand.
But there needs to be focus and information on how to exactly do it successfully. If you have been a creator for a while now you must be knowing that social media content creation is such an uncertain thing. And we all know why.
No matter how many articles you read….
No matter how many tutorials you watch…
Ultimately, it’s just the battle between YOU and THE ALGORITHM.

What can you actually do?
Well, It’s quite a true fact that the content creation work seems to be like the tom and jerry chase where the algorithm always seems to slip out of your hands just when you are about to get there.
We need to acknowledge the fact that there is no route map to reach a certain number of followers. Just for the fact that every content creator is different, and has their unique style and a unique set of audience.
What we can do is LEARN – Learn along the journey.

Let’s Learn from the successful content creators
In this article, we have brought together 7 unique things successful digital content creators have been doing along their journey to ace the social media content creation game.
1. Have their end goal clear
The top 5% of the successful digital content creators have a clear picture of what they want to achieve in the way of content creation. Whether you want more sales, more clients, build networks with fellow creators, or simply grow a huge follower base. Before you start creating content in full swing you need to have a clear picture in mind of what purpose do you want your page to solve. Once you have that in mind, creating a tailor-made strategy for your needs becomes much easier.

2. Do not deviate from their type of content
Successful creators mostly stick to the type of content they usually post. For example, CA Aleena Rais, Youtuber and Online Educator always post content related to speaking English and sometimes connects with her personal experiences/life instances.
Sharanya Iyer- founder of is a travel vlogger who posts her unique travel stories on social media mostly focusing her content on breaking stereotypes as a brown Indian Girl travelling solo.

3. Build a personalized connection with their audience
Since day one, they have built a close connection with their audience and treated them like family. There’s no doubt in the fact that if you nurture your audience in that way every single day it’s definitely going to blossom. You can do that in different ways, for instance, many social media influencers assign an adorable name to their follower base. This makes them feel loved. Singer and Youtuber, Avanti Nagral, lovingly calls her followers “Paranthas” because she is fond of them. Isn’t that cute:)

4. Constant feedback and improvements
They keep a constant check on what their audience likes and dislikes. They engage with their audience in multiple ways and always focus on getting feedback. However, Not only getting feedback but working on them is also equally important. They keep on improving constantly in spite of growing up as successful digital content creators.
They never forget their roots!
Also, they don’t hesitate to make little investments from time to time to make their content quality better.

5. Deliver exactly what their audience wants
This is something that they focus on while in their growth phase. Keeping a close eye on the insights and delivering content just as your audience wants it, is the real game changer. There’s no use in tracking insights unless you start working according to them. Insights are the real key to hacking the algorithm and it will come under your control once it gets to know you are going to give it what it wants ,i.e, an engaged audience.

6. Completely cut off what their audience doesn’t like
They extensively track what are the types of content that made their audience skip it. They strictly stop creating that type of content or reduce it, if their audience does not like it. You need to keep the algorithm away from the fact that people are skipping or scrolling up your content. Otherwise, you are out of the game!

7. Treat content creation as their religion
They treat their social media content creation as their religion. Just like you worship and have faith in it, these creators have immense belief in their followers and content. They maintain consistency in posting content even if they cross a certain number of followers.
Prajakta Koli (Mostlysane), Youtuber turned Actress used to post videos EVERY Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and continued to do so even when she reached more than 5 million subscribers on Youtube unless she started working as an actress.
So that is the power of being consistent on social media and nurturing your audience.

So, the ultimate key is to please the algorithm.
For that you need to BRIBE the algorithm for giving you what you want.
As mentioned earlier, you keep the algorithm happy and it does the same for you!
The need to make the algorithm trust you that you can drive more engagement, make them stay on the platform for more and more time and that is enough for it to start supporting you and making you reach more audience.

Key takeaways from this blog
- Make more likeable, shareable and savable content to “bribe” the algorithm.
- Keep an eye on what your audience likes and dislikes.
- Make more content on what they like and stop or reduce the content they dislike.
- Engage with your audience using multiple ways in order to not make it monotonous yet drive feedback and suggestions.
- Constant upscaling is important to keep your audience hooked so do not hesitate in making gradual investments for content creation.
- Treat your audience like a family. Personalize. The more personal you get with them, the stronger connection you build.
- Treat your social media content creation as your religion. It’s your responsibility that you’ve taken up, to deliver content to your followers/subscribers and you MUST be consistent.

Start implementing these 7 things immediately and if you have been doing it, just don’t discontinue.
You can Contact Us to get your content creation blocks solved.
Let us know in the comments below how you find these golden takeaways from the topmost successful digital content creators.
The Creators Club wishes you all the best, Thanks for reading!